February has flown by. I have been busy. Busy with work, busy with family, busy with fun. But, have I been too busy? Maybe, maybe not. The month has flown by and, by and large, I have gone with the flow. I made plans but situations changed, and I altered my plans. The biggest difference for me in this month versus similar past busy months is that I didn't over-analyze things. Some of the situations (almost all) were not within my control. In the past, I would have questioned what I could or could not have done differently to affect the outcome. This month, I recognized that what was done was done and I can only control how I feel at any given moment. I realized that I can influence how I choose to feel.
This made it much easier to be in the moment. It was almost as if I were an observer, watching a flower unfold. During the month it rained (figuratively) but instead of seeing this as dampening effect, I chose to see it as providing moisture to nourish future growth. During the month, winds of gossip and dissension swirled in my vicinity. I chose to step aside and watch as the winds dissipated. During the month, I developed my ability to let the right things be. I've been familiar with the "Serenity Prayer" since I was a teenager and I have tried to live by its precepts for many years. This was the month, in which I allowed myself to live by its precepts. For a stormy month, February was indeed serene. Serenity is a flower, pink and yellow, soft and fragrant. Serenity unfolds in warmth and closes with cold. It is everblooming but requires fertilizing. Life can be serene.
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time...."
- Rheinhold Neibuhr