Monday, August 3, 2009


When I first started this blog, I described a quote that inspired me. "As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think" . The phrase is attributed by Joseph Campbell to a bit of advice given to a young native at the time of his initiation. Jumping chasms is what it takes to live life fearlessly. The chasm, depending on what scares you, may be leaving a job, saying no to a friend, trying something new or even just being alone and still. I have found the advice to jump very true, and the chasms narrow to mere cracks after the fact.

I recently listened to a song written by Martin Simpson and Eric Bibb that further illuminated the idea of jumping. What does Superman do? He leaps tall buildings in a single bound. What does Spiderman do? Use his spidey sense and powers to move up, down, and sideways. What do kids playing often need? A cape...and that is what these song lyrics are about:

He’s one of those who knows that life

Is just a leap of faith

Spread your arms and hold your breath

Always trust your cape

Align Left

The new idea that these lyrics convey is to "always trust your cape". When I first started jumping, I probably held my breath. I definitely did not spread my arms though I yearned for that freedom. I trusted something, though I did not know what. Since then I have learned a lot about trust. I began rock climbing, thinking that I would learn to trust others. Instead, I learned to trust myself. What I have just realized is that we are all superheroes and we all have capes. Our capes are invisible. Our capes have many names. They are our guardian angels, our inner compass, our faith in a greater power - whatever name (God, the source, the universe) we choose. So, I am trusting my (invisible) cape and spreading my arms and breathing as I make my leaps of faith.

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