Sunday, October 26, 2008


October is flying by. I left for Zermatt Switzerland on the third and am just now getting back into my routine at home. The month has been one in which I have received reminders in various forms to be in the moment and to stay focused on the present.

1) I was dreading the airline flights. My route was from Edmonton to Minneapolis to Amsterdam to Geneva and then Geneva to Montreal then Ottawa via rail then Halifax and back to Edmonton. I was carrying skis, boots, helmet, ski clothes and ordinary clothes for two weeks of travel. My fears were unfounded. My flights were on time and my skis and bag traveled safely and with no extra surcharges to all my destinations.

2) I arrived in Zermatt with a pounding headache and wondered why I had come. The answer revealed itself as soon as I was back on skis high above the clouds with a vista of mountains peaking beyond. I love to ski and I love being in the mountains. It's that simple.

3) I didn't want to leave Zermatt but I did. I was conscious of staying open to what the next phase of my trip would bring and it brought ordinary delights. I watched re-runs of the Gilmore Girls with one of my daughters. We walked in woods, where leaves fell gently from trees and autumn light created brilliant hues. We ate good food, some in restaurants with creative flair, some in hotels with years of tradition and some at her home.

4) I didn't want to leave my daughter but I did. When I arrived in my next city, I decided to treat myself with a manicure. The subtle colour that I chose has amused me for a week. The reason I was in Halifax was to celebrate two graduations with a group of family and near-family and I am grateful that I was able to be part of the celebration.

5) I had looked forward to sea kayaking since the trip was planned and my expectations were surpassed. As soon as I sat in the kayak, I relaxed even though the temperature hovered a few degrees above zero. I paddled without effort and enjoyed the sea swells and smells.

6) More good food...and then back to Edmonton and all that I love at home. Back to yoga, climbing and the start of the ski season.

7)An unexpected exit from the Edmonton Ski and Snowboard Show challenged me to stay present and to ask myself what is really true. The truth is that I stayed true to my principles and acted with integrity. What was, was and what is, is.
