Sunday, May 17, 2009

Learning to fall better

Several years ago, a writer who I respect told me that it is hard to write about happiness, and that Anne Lamott is an author who writes well about happiness. I had never heard of Anne Lamott but noted her name. Some time later, I went to the bookstore looking for one of her titles. I checked the store's computer and found that they had five copies in-store. The computer indicated that they were in the Bargain pile , under Religion. I looked and looked and checked under the table but could find no copies. I left without buying a book.

This spring, I returned to the same bookstore and again checked the computer. Not surprisingly, the computer indicated there were five hard copies in the Bargain pile, but it also indicated some paperbacks were available. I was on a bit of book buying binge and had already selected several to take home so I headed to the library next. I checked out Anne Lamott's Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith as well as several books by Pema Chodron.

I have now finished reading my pile of books. The recipes from Moosewood Cooks at Home were tasty but my real nourishment has come from Anne Lamott. One story in particular resonated with me. The story was about skiing, and skiing with a friend with terminal cancer. The friend pointed out to Anne that "you're so afraid of falling that it's keeping you from skiing as well as you could. It's keeping you from having fun."

True in skiing. True in life. Now to apply the lesson fearlessly in both skiing and life.


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